Business Tendency Index and Consumer Tendency Index Quarter IV-2019 and Estimated Quarter I-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gianyar Regency

Business Tendency Index and Consumer Tendency Index Quarter IV-2019 and Estimated Quarter I-2020

Release Date : February 5, 2020
File Size : 0.25 MB


Table 1: Business Tendency Index Quarter III-2019 and Quarter IV-2019 by Sector and Main Variables

Table 2: Business Tendency Index Estimation Quarter I-2020 by Sector and Main Variables

Table 3: Consumer Tendency Index Quarter III-2019 and Quarter IV-2019 by Main Variables

Table 4: Consumer Tendency Index Estimation Quarter I-2020 by Main Variables

Table 5: Consumer Tendency Index Quarter IV-2018 – Quarter I-2020 by National and Province[100-20200205]
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