National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas) 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gianyar Regency

National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas) 2015

National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas) 2015

August 10, 2015 | BPS Activities

Employment data compiled by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) through censuses and surveys among which the Population Census (SP), the Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS), the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), and the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS). From these surveys, only Sakernas specifically designed to collect data that can describe the general state of employment between periods of enumeration.

Employment data collection activity was first conducted in 1976. Sakernas either change the period and scope of the sample area and the household. 1986 to 1993 NLFS conducted on a quarterly basis, 1994 to 2001 on an annual basis every August. In 2002 to 2004 in addition to annual basis was also carried out on a quarterly basis. As for 2005 to 2010 NLFS conducted semi-annually in February and August. The growing need for employment data both in terms of sophistication, comprehensiveness, continuity, and accuracy, then pengumulan Sakernas data of 2011 to 2014 is done on a quarterly basis, namely the first quarter (February), second quarter (May), third quarter (August) and fourth quarter ( November) that the presentation of data to the provincial level. For Sakernas activity in August (2011-2014) in addition to the quarterly sample there are no additional samples are intended to obtain annual figures as estimates data presentation to the district level. Beginning in 2015, SAKERNAS held biannually, namely in February (the first half) and August (Semester II) to obtain estimates up to the provincial level. In August (the second half) there are additional samples for the district that is intended to obtain estimates of the presentation of data to the district level.

The general objective of Sakernas 2015 is to provide basic data each year of continuous employment. Specifically to gather information and data of the working population, unemployment, and residents who had stopped / changed jobs, as well as the development in the level kabupten / municipal, provincial and national levels. Sakernas 2015 held simultaneously throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in both urban and rural areas. With total national sample of the 1st half as many as 50,000 households and the second half as many as 250,000 households. For Mukomuko own territory first half of a sample of about 90 households, and the second half of about 360 households (including additional samples to estimate the annual employment data). Diplomatic corps households, households living in special census block, and specialized households who are in regular census block is not chosen as a sample.

The data collected is about a general description of each member of the household that includes name, relationship to head of household, gender, and age. For household members older than 10 years were asked related to marital status, education, employment, unemployment, and work experience.
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