National Labor Force Survey 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gianyar Regency

National Labor Force Survey 2017

National Labor Force Survey 2017

February 15, 2017 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is one of the most important sources and employment in Indonesia. Sakernas are specially designed to collect data that can describe the general state of labor between enumeration periods. Sakernas is held semesterly in February and August. The purpose of data collection through Sakernas February 2017 is to provide sustainable key employment data, whereas specifically Sakernas's objective is to estimate the data of the working population, the number of unemployed, and other labor indicators and their development at the provincial and national levels.
Sakernas February 2017 is implemented in all provinces in Indonesia. The sample of Sakernas February 2010 is 5,000 Census Block (BS) or 50,000 households to obtain data estimation up to provincial level. In Kabupaten Gianyar, the number of Sakernas household samples in February 2017 was 110 households spread across 11 Census Blocks throughout Gianyar Regency. Sakernas field officers in February 2017 consist of supervisors and enumerators who are all employees of BPS Kabupaten Gianyar. The number of enumerators is 7 people and supervisors are 2 persons.
The implementation of Sakernas February 2017 starts from the training of officers, household updates on selected Census Blocks, household monitoring / monitoring, household sample selection, household sample enumeration, surveillance and household enumeration checks until data processing is conducted from January to March 2017.

Regards PIA
Statistics of Gianyar Regency
Badan Pusat Statistik

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