Training Officers National labor force survey August 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gianyar Regency

Training Officers National labor force survey August 2017

Training Officers National labor force survey August 2017

July 4, 2017 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey is a survey designed specifically to collect data that can illustrate the general state of employment. Beginning in 2016, the National Labor Force Survey questionnaire has adopted 2 standard employment concepts from the 13th ICLS and the 19th ICLS despite the 19th ICLS concept not being fully accommodated. In the 2017 National Labor Force Survey, a refinement of the implementation of the 19th ICLS concept includes the completion of the question line and the addition of several questions in the questionnaire.

One of the activities of the National Survey of Labor Force of August 2017 is the Training of National Survey of Labor Force of August 2017. This training aims to equate the concepts and definitions used in the implementation of Sakernas field 2017, especially with the improvement and addition of several questions in the questionnaire. National Workforce Survey Training August 2017 in Gianyar Regency was held on 4-7 July 2017 at Bhanuswari Resort and Spa Hotel, Sukawati. The training was attended by 25 participants consisting of 8 supervisory officers and 17 enumerator officers, all of whom were statistical partners of BPS Kabupaten Gianyar.

The Training of the National Labor Force Survey officer of August 2017 was opened by the Head of BPS Kabupaten Gianyar, Ibu Ni Putu MinarniS., MMA. The training class is led by Head of Social Statistics Section, Mr. I Made Jutawan, BSt, as the National Labor Force Survey Instructor from BPS of Gianyar Regency. At the time of training use the two-way learning system so that at the time of the training created a good discussion atmosphere. It is hoped that this training will create the same perception in the National Survey of Working Survey of August 2017 from the stage of household updating, enumeration of selected households, and inspection of household enumeration results so as to produce higher quality employment data that can be utilized by data users.

Regards PIA

Statistics of Gianyar Regency
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