The need for a pattern of implementing Bureaucratic Reform (RB) and establishing a work unit as an Integrity Zone (ZI) area towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) is evidence that institutional conditions still require improvement in various lines. Based on the general concept of RB which consists of 8 (eight) pillars, of which six pillars are the pillars of implementing RB at the regional level, implementing RB needs to get special planning and directed implementation in the regions. This is intended so that RB and WBK / WBBM are no longer applied at a conceptual level, but can become an application as an organizational culture. The six pillars of RB and WBK / WBBM that are the focus of implementing RB in the regions include the Change Management Pillar, the Governance Arrangement Pillar, the Pillar of the Need for a pattern of implementing Bureaucratic Reform (RB) and the establishment of a work unit as an Integrity Zone (ZI) area towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) ) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) are proof that the condition of the institution still needs improvement on various fronts. Based on the general concept of RB which consists of 8 (eight) pillars, of which six pillars are the pillars of implementing RB at the regional level, implementing RB needs to get special planning and directed implementation in the regions. This is intended so that RB and WBK / WBBM are no longer applied at a conceptual level, but can become an application as an organizational culture. The six pillars of RB and WBK / WBBM that are the focus of implementing RB in the regions include the Change Management Pillar, the Governance Arrangement Pillar, the HR Management System Pillar, the Performance Accountability Pillar, the Supervision Strengthening Pillar, and the Public Service Quality Improvement Pillar.
BPS Gianyar Regency, as one of the vertical institutions at the district level, tries to implement the six pillars of RB and WBK / WBBM with the concept of empowering existing business processes to foster a reformed bureaucratic culture. The implementation of the RB at BPS Gianyar Regency begins with the determination of the RB Working Team and the WBK / WBBM Working Team through a predetermined selection process. The RB and WBK / WBBM Working Teams then conduct planning meetings related to RB and WBK / WBBM activities which will be held in early 2019. To ensure the implementation of RB and WBK / WBBM runs well, monitoring and evaluation are carried out every month in the form of Desk Evaluation, and every month an evaluation is carried out through structural meetings and routine employee meetings.
Documentation of BPS Integrity Zone Development Gianyar Regency towards Corruption Free Area (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) please click here
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten GianyarJl. Erlangga Nomor 5